Sundays 9.30am - G10, 320 Annangrove Rd, Rouse Hill


Bible Study Groups
Contact the office for details of various groups.


Mainly Music - Fridays, 10-11:30am (during school term)
   Enquiries -

Mainly Music is a fun music group for parents and care givers to enjoy with their young children 0-5years.

Children are introduced to music and creativity plus families are given a chance to think about the God part of life in a loving shared family environment.

Each Friday (during the school term) at Rouse Hill Baptist Church, G11 320 Annangrove Road, Rouse Hill

Please arrive at 10am. $5 per family per 1 ½ hour session.
(Parking in the first row of Rouse Hill Preschool car park up the ramp.)
BYO morning tea for your child/children.

Gatherings @ the Grove 5pm 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month


(school years 3-6) 6-7:30pm, Friday fortnightly
(school years 7-10) 8-9:30pm, Friday fortnightly
Email Gil for details

Reflective Gatherings
5pm, 3rd Sunday of the month

Women’s Saturday morning group.
The women’s Saturday morning group meets at 8:15am, on the FIRST SATURDAY of each month at 320 Annangrove Rd. All welcome. Enquiries: Jane 0421 903 528 / Rhondda 0402 477 899 / Noeline 0421 275 274

Golf Morning.
Contact Norman 0412 023 818 or Ric 0432 382 728 for details.

Men’s Lunch
Contact Brian 0437 741 100 or Roger 0478 624 418 for details.

Friends of Global Interaction Meeting
7pm for 7:30pm start. All welcome.
(also advertised on Global Interaction website)

What's coming up!

Sunday Morning Service:  9.30 am, 320 Annangrove Rd, Rouse Hill


Regular Program:

FEED 5 pm, 1st Sunday of the month
A kid-friendly meal together for people 25-40+
Reflect - 4 pm, 3rd Sunday of each month
A contemplative service open to all
JAM - 6 pm, 3rd Sunday of each month
A relaxed hangout and sharing for people 17-25+

Mainly Music - playgroup (0-5s) with music, Fridays 10-11.30 am during school term

Copyright © 2020 Rouse Hill Baptist Church, Inc. All rights reserved.